Car/Van Servicing

Daventry Auto Services typical service checklist

Interim Service
Top up all under bonnet fluids
Check and adjust tyre pressures
Report on tyre condition
Replace engine oil and filter
Check windscreen washers and wipers
Top-up screen washer bottle
Check lights and lenses inc Reverse lights
Lubricate bonnet, door and boot hinges and locks
Stamp service book and reset service light

Full Service.
Top up all under bonnet fluids
Check auxiliary drive belts
Check fuel system and pipes
Check cooling system
Check vacuum pipes
Check brake and clutch hydraulics
Check engine breather system
Check wheel bearings
Check suspension joints/bushes/gaiters
Check drive shaft gaiters
Check shock absorbers/coil springs
Check flexible brake hoses
Check and adjust tyre pressures
Report on tyre condition
Check front brakes
Check rear brakes
Replace engine oil and filter
Check windscreen washers and wipers
Top-up screen washer bottle
Check gearbox oil if (if possible)
Check differential if (if possible)
Check exhaust system for leaks and damage
Check and report on oil leaks
Check brakes and fuel lines
Check hand brake cable
Check for underbody condition
Check windsceen for damage
Check washers and wiper blades
Check lights and lenses inc Reverse lights
Lubricate bonnet, door and boot hinges and locks
Check seat belt operation
Check operation of controls and switches
Check foot and hand brake travel
Stamp service book and reset service light
Check warning light indicators
Torque wheel nuts (if wheels removed)
Road test/report any faults found

Major Service.
Add engine oil flush (optional)
Replace air filter (if required)
Replace spark plugs (if required)
Replace pollen filter (if required)
Replace fuel filter (if required)
Test brake fluid
Test antifreeze
Check distributor cap and rotor (if required)
Check wiring and components
Top up all under bonnet fluids
Check auxiliary drive belts
Check fuel system and pipes
Check cooling system
Check vacuum pipes
Check brake and clutch hydraulics
Check engine breather system
Check wheel bearings
Check suspension joints/bushes/gaiters
Check drive shaft gaiters
Check shock absorbers/coil springs
Check flexible brake hoses
Check and adjust tyre pressures
Report on tyre condition
Remove all wheels
Check front brakes
Check rear brakes
Replace engine oil and filter
Check windscreen washers and wipers
Top-up screen washer bottle
Check gearbox oil if (if possible)
Check differential if (if possible)
Check exhaust system for leaks and damage
Check and report on oil leaks
Check brakes and fuel lines
Check hand brake cable
Check for underbody condition
Check windscreen for damage
Check washers and wiper blades
Check lights and lenses inc Reverse lights
Lubricate bonnet, door and boot hinges and locks
Check seat belt operation
Check operation of controls and switches
Check foot and hand brake travel
Stamp service book and reset service light
Check warning light indicators
Torque wheel nuts (if wheels removed)
Road test/report any faults found

Daventry Auto Services have an excellent reputation and stand by our motto of "Quality Without Compromise" with many of our regular customers more than happy to recommend us to their friends and family. You can read a range of Testimonials HERE.
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So when you need mechanics in Daventry or the best MOT garage in Daventry, look no further than the team at Daventry Auto Services Ltd. We are passionate and dedicated, always willing to help and answer your questions. You can call us now on 01327 706627 or email us - We look forward to working with you soon.

at your service
auto diagnostics daventry

Engine Diagnosis

An engine light on, or just running rough.
We'll diagnose the problem.

brakes and clutch daventry

Brakes & Clutches

Problems with your Brakes or Clutch?
We can help.

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Laser Wheel Alignment

Ensure your tyres last and perform.